Hide your joints in plain site with our new Dad Stash that looks like a can of sardines
Sardines are an acquired taste. Adults love ‘em. Kids hate ‘em. But in most households, cans of sardines are pantry staples that are known to sit on the shelf for years. Which makes them perfect decoys for your Dad Grass packs. Even if your kids notice the new addition to your ‘gourmet foods section’, they’ll think it’s just a bunch of strong smelling fish, certainly not weed!
The Dad Stash is our revolutionary stashing system that lets you hide your grass in plain sight. Each Dad Stash decoy sleeve makes your pack of Dad Grass joints look like a different unassuming household item.
Our first two Stashes were designed to blend in perfectly to the most joint-critical home zones: The garage and the living room. Now we’re taking it to the kitchen, one of our favorite spots to have a stash of Grass at the ready.