Batch #004 Smoking Notes
Part One: The Smell of Our Fresh Cut Grass
Being deep in the green inspired us to work up some Smoking Notes and break down some of the things that make Dad Grass CBD Joints so damn enjoyable. This first installment is all about the smells.
Our starting point is the smell of the sweet, sweet grass that hits your nose every time you open the box. You been catching those notes of pine, pepper and hops with a hint of lavender? Well, if you didn’t go to weed school, maybe it reminds you of the first whiff of a freshly poured Sierra Nevada Pale Ale, or the smell of newly chopped firewood, the peppery bark seared into your steak or that crisp, line-dried scent of lavender on freshly washed laundry.
Stay tuned for more Batch #004 Smoking Notes. Next week we'll be sharing some of our favorite pairings!